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Comment by TL Winslow
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Justin Raimondo is another Stephen Lendman, so if he's against Newt Gingrich you know that Newt Gingrich is the man to be our next president.  Gingrich is no sock puppet of anybody, his years of thinking up bold new ideas and announcing them even at the expense of his political career prove that.  One thing he's always been solid on, though, is staunch support of Israel, and Israel-haters are going nonlinear to see a rich Israel-lover like Adelman backing Gingrich with his big bucks.  So I hope he gives him more.  Obama's war chest is a cool billion, why doesn't he mention that, and explore how he's a sock puppet of George Soros?

Anybody can scope Obama's shady partly-covered up past free in their browser and see what Raimondo don't what you to with the Historyscoper's Obamascope:

Ditto with George Soros:


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