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Under the newly enacted – sponsored by McCain (R-AZ) with approval of 93 (STUPID) Senators – National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the president was granted the right to arrest and detain any American citizens any place in the world without a ch

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Comment by Ace Karter
Entered on:

In reality, Washington DC has declared itself the OWNERS OF THE WORLD. What few of You people know, Washington DC is NOT EVEN a Part of the United States "OF AMERICA" It is simply called the United States which consist ONLY of Washington DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, Marriana Islands and Virgin Islands. Hasn't anyone ever wondered WHY Your Post Office is simply UNITED STATES Postal Service and Not UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Because it's OWNED ONLY By Washington DC. Same as UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT which, BY LAW, have NO AUTHORITY over ANYTHING BUT "MARITIME LAW " YOU the people have ALLOWED Washington to make you their Whores and Slaves. In reality, it is TO LATE to change anything. You have let yourselves be pushed to far in the corners, Everyone is now programed to say, Yes Sir, No Sir, Gee I'm Sorry Sir. WELCOME TO YOUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PRISON People. DON'T be a Rebel Like I am and FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM

Comment by Cat Lover
Entered on:

All I have to say is:

Comment by Ken Valentine
Entered on:

 My father was a totally disabled combat veteran (Iwo Jima). Shortly before he died, he told me, "All the things we fought against in World War II, our own government is doing to us today."

And that was 16 years ago!

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