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Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

I really cannot hear this shitty Jewish Nazi shit anymore. It is boring. What is a "NAZI"? The Jewish Zionist leaders have supported Adolf Hitler to come into power to kick the Jews out of Europe because they wanted them to go to Israel. Adolf Hitler just did what he was supposed to do to follow the Zionist orders. Also the Zionist leaders encouraged England to commit terrible war crimes on Germany to bomb Dresden and Berlin, and in this way of course many Jews got killed too. But this was again fully in the interest of the Jewish Zionist leaders, because as more dangerous Europe was for the Jews as more likely they would be convinced to move out. But the Jews are so unbelievable stupid. They do not realize how they are getting used by their Jewish leaders and they do not turn against them. Also they think they are the center of the world and think always just about their own advantage and nobody else. This is really disgusting. They are responsible for World War I and World War II and now they are creating Word War III and do not care about all the lovely animals, plants and human beings they are going to destroy. Their "God" is obviously a demon and loves to kill torture and destroy. They are responsible for the 20 Million Germans that got killed in World War II and it is time to make them responsible for all their fraud, torturing and killing. Of course Ron Paul is right on this issue. No war anymore. We are tired about the Jewish cult of death and destruction. We need to stop and persecute these sadistic, criminal and war mongering Jews. More on this issue at the website

Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

Jeesh, the anti-Semitic b.s. here is getting so deep I have to don my knee-highs.

As to the article.

So, if the U.S. had never been interventionist, the world would be better than it is now?  Why don't I believe that? That's speculation, but the truth is that the U.S. has long been in it up to its neck, and trying to turn the calendar back isn't a solution, it's a pipe dream. Rather, we should finish what we started if we can by leading the non-Muslim world in finishing off horrible ISLAM, whose future soldiers are immigrating by the tens of thousands and setting up shop on our shores while they systematically take over the U.N. and try to set up global Sharia and close in on Israel.

Too bad, the U.S. and Europe alone probably don't have enough power anymore, and we'd need the help of India and China. China however would benefit from letting the West be torn apart by Islam, so that even if it wins they can wait in the wings and take over everything.  Only if China wakes up that Islam is a threat to it too, and that it doesn't really want to dominate the world but only assume its place as a world power to share it, will they finally join the great cause to see a 22nd cent. with Islam relegated to Trotsky's ash heap of history.  Unless/until, clueless Ron Pauls don't add anything to U.S. security with their retro 19th or 18th cent. isolationist talk, sorry. Even if the U.S. goes isolationist, how is Pres. Paul going to stop mass immigration, reverse the clock on technology that is making the world a global village, stop WMDs, etc.? He's clueless - or maybe a plant :)

One thing Ron Paul and Obama seem to agree on is appeasing Islam, as if they will suddenly turn into our friends, when their dead idol Allah tells them in the Quran that they must do everything to dominate the whole world, and play on all the weaknesses of the stupid sucker infidels, whom he teaches to hate. Obama's Middle East policies are systematically setting the world up for a horrible world war after the Muslim world unites in a final attack on poor outnumbered surrounded Israel, and we are forced to er, intervene on their side. Sick Western anti-Semites don't help the situation.

Here's a viewpoint on U.S. foreign policy that makes more sense than Paul's:


Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

A typical future American after a Ron Paul presidency? :)




Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

@TL Winslow Thank you for giving me the reward "Anti-Semit". I know this reward is far above the peace nobel price. :-) I am very grateful for getting this excellent reward!!!

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

@Truth and Justice: I am getting jealous. Nobody ever has given me the reward "Anti-Semite". I want to get it too. How can I deserve it?

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

To Joke for you: Just speak out any kind of truth or do something really good for good people or the nature. You can be sure it will be against the Jewish interests. If you do good things good enough then they will give you the reward Anti-Semite!

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

The Jews are masters in playing of people against each other. Think about the war Iraq against Iran. First Iraq made war against Iran, so both got weakend, and Israel could laugh towards both of them. Then Iraq got bombed from USrael. Now they want to nuke Iran. Also they are playing of the Christians against Islam with the goal that Christians and Moslems should kill each other. Who will be the winner in this battle? Yes, you are right: The Zionists. After Christians and Moslems are weak from this fight against each other, the Zionists will take advantage of it and rule the world totally and do the same with us they did with Iraq and Iran. The Jews/Zionists are using the US and Europe to kill Moslems and to destroy their countries but you have to know they will destroy Europe and the US in this way too! People all around the world need to get united against the Jewish/Zionist mass murderers!

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

@Unity versus Jewish You are wrong: It was not always like this. The evil game of the Jews to play people off against each other did not always work well for them and it definitely won't lead into a good end for them. More and more people are realizing it, and then the Jews will get persecuted for their cheating, crimes and mass-murder. Also many of them got killed in the wars they have created. Only the Rothschilds made big profit out of it. The little Jews got sacrificed like everybody else. The Jews think they are special and in control, but they live in an illusion, they are in control of the Zionist leaders and they are nothing more then balls in their hand to play with. They are mostly just too stupid to realize this.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

I am sorry, I wrote it wrong: I mean, the Jews are controlled and directed by their Zionist leaders and the Zionist leaders are just using the "little Jews" like a ball in their hand.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

The Jewish Zionist in the US supported the Russian communist revolution and as a result millions of Christians got killed in the Jews made Soviet Union. (More on this issue at In World War II the Zionist controlled US government has supported the Bolshevists to occupy half of Europe. In this case the Jewish controlled US government is guilty of putting us under this terrible communist tyranny, we had to go throe in Europe. And now they want to tell us, they will fight for freedom and liberty? USreal always was and is the motor of government tyranny. Shame on you! You are liars, betrayers and destroyers! This is the last shit you have done to us! And what did they do to the only real Americans, the Native Americans? They just killed them and put the rest in small reserves. The US is based on the holocaust of the Native Americans and on slavery and now they want to police the world - means destroy everything everywhere completely? Ami go home and leave us alone!!! If Ron Paul is serious about his foreign policy than he is right. But we can hardly believe that, because US-Americans are well-known that they never keep their promise. But as far as Ron Paul has German routs maybe he is still a little honest, even if he grow up in the US.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

And if the truth and justice comment at the bottom wasn't enough, here's more.

Then, in WWII, the country known as America, went to support of Stalin, a leader who was 5 to 10 times more deadly than Hitler and the Nazis.


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

You got it right, Pure Trust. Thank you for adding it.

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