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Comment by JustinTyme
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This was not a "cyber-attack".  It's just another example of the inadequate "physical" security measures and contols implemented withing the the government.  

According to the article: "The malicious software, or malware, caught a ride on an everyday thumb drive that allowed it to enter the secret system and begin looking for documents to steal. Then it spread by copying itself onto other thumb drives."  So, if it's a "highly secured seperate network" why in the world would they let someone plug in a thumbdrive from the outside world?  Also, the systems should have been updated and locked down so as to not allow programs to automatically execute upon insertion of the thumbdrive.

This is just another example of the ignorance/incompetence/negligence that led to the Braddley Manning situation.

Our tax dollars at work.  Sheesh.  I guess they just need more reasons to shut down the internet. 

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