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Comment by Powell Gammill
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His organs will be available Thursday.

Comment by PureTrust
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In simple terms, what does it mean when a nation goes bankrupt?

Well, it doesn't mean that there are fewer natural resources. It doesn't mean that the people are less willing to work. It doesn't mean that the people are less willing to purchase products and goods (if only they had the money). It doesn't mean that the natural operation of trade has been suspended by the people.

So, what does it really mean when a nation goes bankrupt?

It means that freeloaders in Big Government, the Military, and welfare freeloaders, have used up everything that the workers are willing or able to support them with. A bankrupt country is one that is at the apex, the cross-point, the border-line between advance and decline, growing greater and growing weaker. And it means that the people are ready to go back to trading among themselves at full value rather than supporting a bunch of freeloaders.

So, when you hear that a nation is going bankrupt, be happy for the people. Why? Because they will start getting back full value for their labor... even though there might be an interim of turmoil.

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