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Comment by Powell Gammill
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Officers in University Pepper Spray Incident Given Paid Vacation

Comment by Anonymous
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A commendable police work well done!

Police did their job well as what the public wanted them to do – maintain order. Rebellious students barricaded the place with their human body to obstruct police from going after the other unruly student protesters. The police warned that they would be pepper-sprayed if they wouldn’t step aside. Instead, the sit-down protest barricaders taunted the police – what else must the police do but pepper-spray them?

The reporter said those young trouble-makers were lucky because what was sprayed on them was not a spray of bullets like what happened in "the Kent State massacre of 1970"

The cross-eyed called this necessary soft-glove police action some kind of police viciousness or cruelty … they believe "we live in a fascist police state". This anti-Government-police outrage of young radicals in the campus is totally misplaced!

Anti-government lampooners and cop-head-hunters took this opportunity to print a distorted hostile reaction to the incident. The innuendo they are badmouthing is that we live in a fascist police state. Nothing is farther from the truth. We live in a state where the police and law enforcers are tasked by law to maintain peace and order! In this incident, they did well and fair play demands that those peace officers should be commended. No death or serious injury was reported, and they deserved more than just a paid vacation.


Comment by AntiAcidNo1
Entered on:

Aha, nice reading this comment immediately following. Although in my mind I may have a different interpretation of the incident, I wish this JV is a reporter of this website. His posting makes the website appear more balance, propaganda-prone but fairly truthful and as if "fair play" is required.


Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

All right, shame on police brutality! But we should be also ashamed calling ourselves freedom fighters when we are as vicious and as intolerant as they are. We cannot be a self-proclaimed Statue of Liberty with an angry face menacingly brandishing an electric gun like this Gammill favorite picture printed above. The Statue looks more like you than it looks more like them.

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