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Comment by David Jackson
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      This guy is something else. Trouble is, it's hard to tell what that something is. There is one thing for certain:  There's a world of difference between unique and weird. (I still find it difficult to believe that this guy can't get a date. With his money, he surely can wrangle a little strange - especially in this culture. Is he too cheap to put a real working girl on the payroll? What a zip!)

      As for his sloganeering, he has no future in rap; so, he ought to give it up.

      Slogans are B.S., anytime. However, they do seem to be effective - likely due to the limited attention span of the average American (voter). The use of prepositions and conjuctions is a lot like the use of facts, in politics: it only confuses and befuddles.

      As for experience, when and why would such a characteristic matter, after all these years? It doesn't take a master mariner to sink a ship.

       The simpletons who crew the USS America couldn't float soap in a bathtub. they do, however, know more than anyone about bilge! Of all the "types" in existence, Cain is similar to many, and the President is only one.   

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