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Comment by Abdul Ameer
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How come you didn't tell us that this whole episode was cooked up by Israeli Mossad in order to get American and Saudi Arabia to attack Iran? That would fit right in with your notion of the world.

Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

It must be hard selling your brains like a whore sells her ass, and trying to make it look persuasive. This time Lameman's torn between his Saudi puppetmasters and his leftist puppetmasters. So, the Iranian plot is a lie, and the innocent Iranians are being framed to give the U.S. a pretext for invasion? Too bad, this time the leftist Obama admin., the rightists, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are on the same team, and the rest of the leftists and the Iranians are on the other team. Is Lameman taking Iranian money too? Maybe he's been taking it all along, it must be hard keeping his double ledgers straight. Take Lameman's article and put pasta sauce on it and you got a plate of spaghetti with him as the meatball.

Why isn't it a true Iranian plot just because it's amateurish? If Iran wanted to be able to cut the strings after it worked, of course they'd want it to look too amateurish for them, which would be no problem, since Iran is loaded with amateurs from bottom to top.

Even if it's the Mossad framing Iran with Obama admin. help, who CARES? It was a real Iranian guy that they arrested with his hands dirty, and he's got connections with Iran's Mossad, the Quds Force. Since the day Iran took the American embassy hostages, it's been a de facto state of war, and they've been making wusses out of us.

SO FORK LENDMAN AND LET'S INVADE AND END THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BEFORE THEY GET NUKES AND AMATEURISHLY SET THEM OFF IN OUR BACKYARD. IF OBAMA WON'T DO IT, PRESIDENT HERMAN "GODFATHER" CAIN CAN. This time let's use drones and robot soldiers to the max, and leave without a nation-building, and only return after a new secular democratic govt. BEGS us, and lets us set the terms.

The Historyscoper's Muslimscope - includes all key Iranian leaders

The Historyscoper's Islam Watch Blog - watch the coming war step by step


Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

A few of millions of reasons that the Islamic Republic of Iran doesn't have a right to EXIST.


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