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Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Sounds a lot like what was easily instigated after Bill Clinton bombed the heck our of them and then it would be easy to recruit victims who lost family members and allow the FBI infiltrate and embellish the  9/11 attack knowing that it was coming to where you can follow the money and see who profited from 9/11 (including 2009 gold heist, UBS Banking scandal payoff to US DOJ for 780 million dollars to protect 52,000 American names and the 44 city council, mayor and police employee arrests in New Jersey, five of them rabbis).  I just wrote an article about it around August 25, 2011 linking a corporate RICO web to my experience with being recruited to organize a 1998 "roadway camera strategies" think tank/field study in 1998.  I'll post it one day (my computer skills aren't the best.  It was about biometric chips for social control, including medical, not just financial.  Anyone who wishes to check it  out, it is dated August 25, 2011 under my notes in facebook.  Look for me in a white baseball hat looking down...I like to get people thinking... and I have too much damn time on my hands.  And really don't want to end up in a FEMA camp...  My notes are all public.

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

    What does anyone expect?

     I have yet to see any proof that any "plot" that has been thwarted was an actual "plot", or that it was "actually thwarted". (I wish I'd never read "1984".)

     Aren't we all just sitting around on pins and needles waiting for the next "attack" or "thwart"; and, all the while, hoping that we aren't anywhere near the supposed violence and destruction. Boy, howdy...!

     It sure is a scary world! All of a sudden?

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