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Comment by stupidamerkin
Entered on:

 History repeats itself every generation. Allow me to draw the following picture, Back in the early 40's during the holocaust, here is a Nazi who spends his work day at the death camps murdering thousands of innocent men, women, childred and babies only to go home that night to sit down and have dinner with his family.

Today, here is a man who grew up in a generation of violent video games watching SWAT team movies who spends his work day behind a computer thousands of miles away killing and murdering innocent men, women, children and babies and when he is done for the day, he too goes home to sit down to have dinner with his family. The disconnect is frightening and as evil as it comes.

How much more sick, twisted, demented evil can one continue to justify?

The day is coming when we will all be held accountable, and sooner then we may think.

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