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Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

Social Security is not at risk on debt ceiling?  Whew!  I feel soooooooooooo much better now.  For a minute there, I was worried that they had actually taken our retirement money and blown it on things like wars of choices and bail outs of the rich but, hey!  I trust my government.  I know they would never, ever do that to us.  To them, we the people come first.

~snicker, snicker, snicker~ 


Comment by Winsmith
Entered on:

 I have a newspaper clipping that says: Social Security will collapse in 1983.

There is nothiing there but numbers; They can give every retiree a check for 1 Million without raising taxes.  The problem comes when the people spend it and cause prices to explode.

I have a solution for Social Security that was publisged in 1982: "Doubling the rate that water is fluoridated should see to it that more people expire before they retire. Tripling it should see to it that nobody retires. Take a pound of fluoride today and stop aging tomorrow.  Give a pound to each of your kids and they will never grow old. Fo4 15 years, the professionals at the EPA have been telling the world that fluoride is killing people. Search:  nteu fluoride




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