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Comment by schnokelbop
Entered on:

I always find it interesting that a lot of  folks get all pumped when anything is said about paul running. He has good thoughts and beliefs. Even If he did win he still would have to go up against the washinton party who really do not share his thoughts. He would have a very hard time trying to get things done were the wasinton party has there own agenda. he would not be very successful over all in his time in office. he is just to good and most of the butt bags in office are to corrupt and these ass clowns will try to squash him any way possible to prevent him from what should be done. Or someone in power would kill him 

Comment by Nick Saorsa
Entered on:

But if he wins, we'll be saved! Not.  However, he could have the power to pardon anyone that is in jail for non-violent/victimless/drug crimes. He could issue executive orders to bring troops home, close foreign bases, other good stuff. He could even restructure the executive branch and get rid of a lot of the BS departments... those sound like good ideas to me.

 But if he did all of that, I can see the legislative branch refusing to change the budgets of closed departments... so the money just goes nowhere, offcially not saving anyone any money and providing less services for the money they already stole. Not good.

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