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Comment by Trouser Chili
Entered on:

Before you run off to swap all your mercury fillings, realize that the alternative non-mercury fillings are completely laced with BPA.  My wife canceled her dentist appointment to do just that when she found out.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

I think that grand juries ought to be convened to indite people in the FDA that are endagering and destroying  and lives  American citizens.

What kind of penalty do you think you would get if you put poison in your neighbors food like the FDA does?

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

I would much rather have BPA in my body that mecury. It is less damaging  and the body gets rid of it much easier.

 There are over 100 types of white fillings. Not all have BPA in them. Find a good wholisitic dentist.


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