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Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Nothing new here. I lost my home and everything I had due to the EPA pulling a similar stunt on me 10 years ago in Western PA.

This Unconstitutional group from hell basically gave me an unfunded mandate that to put a bridge over a creek to access my property that I needed an enviromental impact study and an engineering study on the bridge.

I estimated the cost at about 20 times what I had paid for the property.  In addition I was in danger from the building code nazis just like the gentleman in this article. They had just not struck yet.



Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

We usually use armies and lethal force  against entities that violate  our rights. 

What would you call the county government in that county?

It sure is not protecting this man's rights as they were created to do.




Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

"They say it's not Safe or sanitary to live like that"

So how in Gods name do they think that he is going to live when he is on the street.

I would love to see that attorney forced at gun point to live on the street and then see how he  likes his own medicine.


Attorneys.... the only people that God has an extra hot corner for in hell! At least that is my fondest hope. :-)

Comment by intellavore
Entered on:

 I thank God that I am not forced to deal with this. I don't know that I wouldn't blow the hell out of anyone coming to kick me off my property. Do you really need anymore proof that we are not free?

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