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Comment by TL Winslow
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Cute photo, should have had a Chinese in it somewhere. Speaking of Chinese, nobody questions their right to a national homeland in China, so why does Lendman question the right of the Jews to a national homeland in Israel, and call Israelis racist, bigoted, etc., even using the A word of apartheid?  Where does he want the Jews to go, China?  The very name "Jewish problem" is loaded, because the only problem is that they should never have been kicked out of their home in the first place.  Now after 2K years of horrible homelessness they got it back, albeit in a truncated form, and have every right to stay, and to decide what non-Jews aren't part of their national homeland, just like Chinese have a right to throw Euros out of China.  As conservative pro-Israel Am. Jewish writer David Joel Horowitz put it:

"The 'Jewish problem' is just another name for the fact that Jews are the most universally hated and persecuted ethnic group in history.  The Zionist founders believed that hatred of Jews was a direct consequence of their stateless condition.  As long as Jews were aliens in every society they found themselves in, they would always be seen as interlopers, their loyalties would be suspect and persecution would follow."

Like always, Lendman tries to strain out a case for delegitimizing Israel while turning a blind eye at the horrors of the Muslim world, because he's working  for the cause of the horrible Saudis who fund anti-Israel propaganda and have been the puppet masters since 1948, refusing to resettle and absorb displaced Arabs in the vast Arab territories and throwing them back at the Israels in an endless jihad, using them as cannon fodder while they are safe in the rear.  Instead of tolerating this, Israel with U.S. backing should finish ousting all Muslim Arabs from Gaza to way E of the Jordan River, and establish new safe secure borders with a wide buffer between their haven for Jews and Jews only (or those they accept as compatriots) and the sick backward Arab world. So go, Israel, and never give up your rightful homeland.


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