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Comment by TL Winslow
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Lendman is still at it. I guess he still doesn't 'get' that there are no such thing as Palestinians, only Arabs who declared holy war (jihad) against the fledgling state of Israel way back in 1947 and still won't give up the sick attempt to seal the breach in Allah's Umma that goes back to 637 when they stole the Holy Land from the Byzantine Christians after the Romans stole it from the Jews and kicked them out back in the 2nd cent.:

Instead of being intolerant supremacist anti-Semtic bad sports, from day one the Arabs could easily have resettled in Jordan or some other Arab territory and allowed a wide DMZ to be created to ensure mutual security, but the fatwa calling for jihad made Arab govts. throw them back at Israel and keep Palestinian "refugees" in camps like the ahem, Nazis.  Notice that Lendman never mentions that. Just recently a U.N. official asked Jordan why it doesn't resettle the Palestinians, and they told him to shut up:

People like Lendman are misguided haters of Israel who either totally fail to understand what Islam would do to the Jews or are on the Arab payroll, and will do anything to confuse us in their deceptive and doomed attempts to delegitimize it. His myopic 1-sided approach could just as easily be used by Native Americans to legitimize the U.S. govt., but they don't have him on their payroll yet :) Study Israel's history free with the Historyscoper and see why Jews have a right to a homeland there free of Arabs that goes way back before Muhammad:

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