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Comment by TL Winslow
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What is that photo of the kid supposed to represent? The stigmata?  How did we go from unproven allegations of Israeli govt. misconduct in interrogating suspected kid terrorists to delegitimization of Israel itself? By that argument that it has a police state govt. that violates human rights of prisoners we should immediately deligitimize every Muslim govt. on Earth, tell the Arabs to leave Saudi Arabia now and let the Jews set up shop. I could do a piece on the police dept. of Denver that would sound more convincing than this. How does a suspect's word that he is innocent prove it? I guess your money piece for the Saudis proves that the stupid Israelis picked up all the wrong Molotov cocktail throwers, and they're still at large, and must be taking naps :) The real truth is that the Arabs who keep hanging around the Jewish state of Israel where they're not welcome or needed, and engage in violent demonstrations while their parents hide behind them could easily resettle to better digs in Jordan or Saudi Arabia, but those regimes won't allow it. So why not bug them instead of wasting your time trying to turn us against Israel? Arabs have plenty of places to go, Jews don't, that's all they have, and their historical right to it is solid and doesn't depend on what form of govt. they set up, even a repressive one, anymore than the Hitler regime can serve as an excuse to oust Germans from their homeland in Germany.  It certainly doesn't give the Arab Muslims a right to take it from them, or to throw Molotov cocktails at Jews. Only voice-in-a-dark-cave Allah told them that land was theirs, and both he and his mouthpiece Super Hitler Muhammad were total frauds. Actually, Muhammad never mentions Jerusalem in the Quran, only "the farthest mosque", which might mean the outskirts of Medina, the rest was made-up after the Nazi-like Muslims stormed the Holy Land and took it by force, and squatted ever since, long before they had Arab oil money to pay for manufactured b.s. like this.

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