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Comment by Brock
Entered on:

Run, don't walk, to the nearest available exit:

Seabrook Teen [Irish] Jailed After School Threat

Teen [Irish] Charged with Sexual Assault on a Minor

Twice in one year, Irish shot at phantom intruders in his grandparent's home/apartment:

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:


After wading through a couple of links to threads on the Oathkeepers Forum, I saw those three items, and the one you didn't list:

Rochester police log

Sunday, May 24, 2009

10:20 a.m. — Johnathon S. Irish, 22, of 134 North Main St. is charged with criminal trespass and drug possession.

I would also like to include here a comment from SCButterfly on the Oathkeeper Forum, stolen from another commenter on another great website:

Stealing from commenter sempiternal from The Daily Paul, so we don't get confused:
Submitted by sempiternal on Fri, 10/08/2010 - 15:01
You have been informed repeatedly that this is not about the accused, but about the government using our associations with constitutional organizations against us.


Comment by Brock
Entered on:

Have you seen the affidavit, Ed?

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

No I haven't - that's the big rub right now - it isn't being released by those who hold it.  I've searched, as many interested in this story have, but it hasn't surfaced. 

As soon as it does, either you or I will be the first to post it! LOL.


Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

Interesting side note - all references to Jonathon Irish, Stephanie Taylor, or Epsom, New Hampshire have been scrubbed from the Infowars archive for some unexplained reason...  ?


Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

It certainly sounds like a caution. It's right for OK and all of us to react to the "naming" especially since SPLC and DHS are overtly joined at the hip. But it's a caution to pick and choose your fights carefully and do the research. Besides, we got our own cause-celebre in the child-snatching department: Jim Drake is sitting in jail right now. I gotta follow up with Jet to make sure the funds I send made it there. I sent it in the form of a cash card, I paid cash for it and I was wearing a fake nose and mustache when I bought them. Let somebody work for their paycheck for a change.

Folks, I'm grateful to have some extra cash when one of us needs it because I been sorry so many times not to have had any when so many of you needed it. I've only been not sorry to have any cash once or twice. I got nothing for Rand Paul but it turns out I'm not too sorry about that.

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:


I'm sure you refer to Jim Kaiser (not 'Drake'):


Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

Uh yeah, I did mean Kaiser not Drake. Fact is I never met the man in person so the name is not firm stuck in my head. What I know is when he was free, his posts/comments to FP were brilliant-level.

When John Stuart was in jail I vexed and mourned because I wasn't hardly able to send a penny. All I could do was pray.

There's some first-hand testimony up from Ridley. Hear the man speak to all charges in his own words:

What this all makes me think is it's a good thing we know each other. I know not all of you know me personally (just my various online personas) but the people I know know I love you all very much. hearing about somebody being in trouble but you don't know them or anybody that can vouch for them, well that's a different storey. We can't be rushing off and grabbing the rifles every time we hear about something. The case with Ed Brown was the caution on that one. Ed might have been persecuted but if you actually talked to him, well he was a prickly pear. Handle him any way without gloves and and you were gonna get stuck. And I got a different idea about standing up for liberty, one that doesn't involve us all wearing pumkin suits.

On the flip side, anyone who supports "Sheriff Joe", well listen to brother John and know how important our dollars are to our brothers in jail in AZ. Brother John tells us plainly they will slowly starve you to death. You don't have to know a bro or every detail about them to know we oughtn'd to let them starve to death. Maybe it's a way of paying it forward. My deepest fear, now that I know I'm pretty ill, is dying alone in an alley way with nobody to bring me a drink of water. I can admit that because I know some of you bros will not let me die alone. I don't have to deal with that scenario. That kind of frees me up to be a better warrior, maybe the best warrior I can be.

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

Funny, today the original article I couldn't find is back up on InfoWars, along with a new write-up by Paul Watson at the top of the front page:

I also see this video posted by Anonymous Watchman on Freedom's Phoenix:

This video was posted on 10/09, so is not really 'news', but additional information.


Humorous side note: in searching YouTube by upload date for any new videos posted (which was an opinion piece from some chick in Texas and a 10/08 interview of John Irish on HardTailNews ) I saw this nice little video ( )because the 'tags' on the video started with "2nd amendment alex jones constitution charmin new hampshire right to bear arms freedom ammo military oathkeepers indoctrination john irish rights ..." 

Coincidence? - Ed

Comment by Carrie Taranova
Entered on:

 Does the govt EVER take the newborns of Muslims ?  Muslims' "religious system"  commands the beating of the wife and/or daughters at will.  Violence is the base of Islam - so why does not the govt ever take Muslim babies and children  from their parents and homes ? In fact the govt never touches anything the Msulims do ! They have the freedom that Armerican citizens are SUPPOSE TO HAVE, but don't.

Seems that only Christians, patriots, Constitutionalists, and Americans are who are the targets of this tyranny that calls itself a "governnent" - but isn't.  It's been nothing more than a corporate Marxist system since 1861 when Lincoln REPLACED our Founders real govt with this NEW Marxist  corporate system..

Once the govt gets their hands on your children they become the lab rats for bio experiments and the first thing they do is inject them with every vaccine and drug  they can think of !  That is why DC created their Federal CPS to begin with - to kidnap babies and kids from their parents and homes and THEY call it "legal".

Never let the govt have your child no matter what you have to do to stop it. Just because they created so-called 'laws' to make it APPEAR what they do is lawful, does NOT make it so. ALL so-called "laws" made by govt is FOR govt power and control and never for YOUR benefit !

And do not have your baby in the hospitals - they are all govt controlled and how the govt forces you to "register" your baby over to them !  You may think you are signing a Birth Certificate - but you are really signing a Birth  REGISTRATION !

When you get 'your papers' on your baby in the mail , it will say Birth REGISTRATION !

It's like registering a pure bred dog !  The exact same proceedure is done !

Have a midwife or doctor deliver your baby at home or in a private clinic. Make or obtain your own real Birth Certificate. The doctor or midwife can sign it at the birth.

In the old days your neighbor assisted in delivering all the babies.  So much fuss is made today in order to make you think you have to be in a hospital - a govt hospital as they all are.  All part of the trap to keep you IN their Federal system from birth !

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