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Comment by David40
Entered on:

The man speaks the truth. The only reason our government is after the guy is because he won't play ball with the global elite bankers and their plans for their New World Order. I noted on the news they never actually let anyone hear what he actually said. In fact the news report I happen to catch on ABC did not even mention that he suggested 911 was an inside job. They avoided this because they don't want to plant the seed in the minds of the people. All they said was he was advancing "conspiracy theories." That's the trigger for the knee jerk programmed response of "Crazy conspiracy theorist nut" they want from the public.
I firmly believe that factions of our own government orchestrated the 911 attack with it's primary goal to pass the so called "Patriot" Act. Just like they staged the Oklahoma bombing to squelch the patriot movement that was growing to threatening a level back then. Our government is well known for staging "false flag" attacks, and planting provoketures at demonstrations to start riots.
Mark my words, the United States government will go down in history as the most evil government that has ever existed on the planet.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

There is seriously wrong with the login process for comments. I for one am really tired of having them eaten by the system after spending 10-15 minutes composing them. 

But as to my  lost comment:


The truth hurts. The fair and balanced (ROTFL) Fox news locked comments on this story after 5 comments.  Way to go Mr. Ahmadinejad! Run for president here in the US and you have my vote over the other non choices here.

Comment by James17
Entered on:

 If I wasn't quick I would not have been able to get Ahmadinejad's UN speech. The places I tried came up blank or faded so much to be unreadable. I did finally get the whole speech. Here is a link to an article by S. J. Lendman - - He lets you know what was done in Iraq by the US and coilition forces. After reading it you can understand what president Ahmadinejad was talking about in his UN speech. This one I find to be the best with all of the info and links needed to make your own discision about how 911 happened and following the money trail to the people who set it up. -

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