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Comment by Ned The Head
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Speaking for Tribe Oyate, I can't hear any doubt that the Frosterizer is being communicated to by the land and it's people.

I notice a singular lack of attack on this one of Frosterovitch's missives.

He calls himself Noah. Yeah well I'm Oyate. It's a tough job by any name but at least there's lots of oyate. In all the animosity nobody got my reference to Bill Cosby: Noah, how long can you tread water?

Hey Frostomungo, I am temporarily unable to publish but I did submit a lesson on native American math just before your rants and Arclein's ancient findings to Ernie. He didn't publish it. But even you math is pretty mathematical. Such that I can tell your numbers don't lie. Everybody else can make them lie.

I know what don't lie. The hawks. The "eyes in the sky". They came to you and you had the good sense to follow them and they gave you medicine which was good for your heart.

And you being a kind heart, sought to share this with your oyasin both in love and a token of your good heart. Off hand, I'd say the hawks showed you a message of strength and endurance and perseverance. Kind of like your bicycle ride eh brother?

To the East and to the South and to the West and to the North, may Froseroonovitch ride with his ancestors and gain in knowledge with ever pump of his pedal and grow strong in love.


Micaje Oyate.

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