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Comment by Donna Hancock
Entered on:

Wow - border security for states like Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa, etc...?

Pearce and Arpaio are part of the 'system' implementing the surveillance grid for us all to be marked. Thought those were the bad guys spoke of in the book of Revelation....


Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

The state is like a amplifier of evil. I wonder how many people in a stateless society would take money out of their own pockets to provide these two clowns with their lifestyles. How many people would support their hyper nationalist bigotry? How many would take it upon themselves to come on my property and try to tell me I can't have an immigrant over for dinner. How many people would try to stop me from bringing an immigrant woman into my home as my wife? How many would try to come into my place of business and tell me who I can employ? I bet there wouldn't be too many because any that did would get their heads blown off. Politics is a way for cowards to join forces an commit crimes against humanity under the guise of legality.

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