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Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

There is nothing unethical or immoral about immigrating to another country. If a foreign national finds an employer that wants to hire him or her, a landlord that wants to rent to him or her, a homeowner that wants to sell to him or her, etc... as far as I'm concerned they have just as much of a right to be here as anybody else does. If you think you have the right to use the filthy, bloody, weapon of politics to attack immigrants/business/citizens simply because they want to peacefully interact with each other without your little mark of the beast, YOU ARE SCUM. Don't take this personally, I was in the same boat with you at one point, then I thought and matured a little and eliminated this fascist philosophy from my mind.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Just as you, or any other man, I have rules about who may enter my home, how and when they may enter, and how they will conduct themselves while in my home; entering and being in my country is no different. 

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

This is not "your country" because not every American is a hyper nationalist bigot, period, end of story! Jobs created by American businesses are not "your jobs" because not every business is owned is a hyper nationalist bigot, period, end of story! The big pot of stolen money extracted by the IRS every day is not "your money" because not every tax "payer" is a hyper nationalist bigot, some actually want their tax dollars to help poor people. The state is like an amplifier of evil. I wonder how many of you hyper nationalist bigots would take money out of your own pockets to support your hyper nationalist bigotry in a stateless society? How many of you would reach into MY pocket and take my money to support it? How many would take it upon yourselves to come on MY property and try to tell me I can't have an immigrant over for dinner at MY house. How many hyper nationalist bigots would try to stop me from giving an immigrant a ride in MY car? How many hyper nationalist bigots would try to stop me from bringing an immigrant woman into MY home as my wife? How many would try to come into MY place of business and tell me who I can employ? I bet there wouldn't be too many because any that did would promptly get their heads blown off, there would be no voting or debating over this. I am looking forward to the collapse of the state so I can do my part to thin the nosy, hyper, nationalist, bigot herd. Politics is merely a way for cowardly hyper nationalist bigots and other neanderthal sissies to join forces and commit crimes against humanity under the guise of "legality". It's also a way for helpless, decrepit, elderly old farts to force other people's children to support their hyper nationalist, archaic, bigotry.

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

If any man ever tries to tell you who you can have over at YOUR house as a guest on YOUR property, I encourage you to take that mans life so that God can explain to them why they should have minded their own business and were in the wrong.

Comment by Tyger
Entered on:

 So, Bro, hyper anti-nationalist bigots get to tell everone else how to run the country and blow off anyone's head who doesn't agree with them? Somehow, that solution doesn't sound any better.

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

"So, Bro, hyper anti-nationalist bigots get to tell everone else how to run the country and blow off anyone's head who doesn't agree with them? Somehow, that solution doesn't sound any better."

Did I say that people that disagree with me should be killed, no, I hold that people that would employ potentially VIOLENT FORCE against peaceful people in order to bar peaceful, mutual, voluntary human interaction and migration should be killed. I'm Christopher Broughton, and I support THIS message.
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