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Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Frosty, you said: "Congress imports 180,000 legal immigrants every 30 days to add to the number of people dependent on the Federal Government, i.e., your tax dollars." At this point I stopped reading. You are implying that every legal immigrant is dependent on the federal government. Why should I read the rest of this article when you have so clearly displayed your lack of interest in being the slightest bit honest? Politicians are the ones stealing our money, not immigrants. Why do you so concerned about who the criminals (politicians) are giving our money to, and so little about the fact that they are stealing it in the first place?

Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
Entered on:


Whether you read the piece or not, and no, it's not the immigrants' fault, but that's what's happening. I am reporting what we pay for, and in fact, it's $346 billion annually for illegal immigrants and legal immigrants according to the Edwin Rubenstein report, (  I am trying to educate taxpayers and citizens about the extent of consequences as to legal and illegal immigration.  I also give readers websites like so they can take positive action.  It's your choice whether or not you want to engage.  If you do engage, you make a difference in the future. If you fail to engage, you also make a difference in the future.

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Taxation is legalized theft committed by organized crime cartels known as "nation states". Immigrants are not the ones robbing the American people of this money. If you don't want immigrants on YOUR property, that's fine. If you don't want immigrants on other peoples property, that's just too bad, why don't you just grow a pair and commit violent acts of aggression against them with your own hands? Does the political process better remove the evil that you advocate form your conscious and allow you to sleep better at night? There is nothing unethical or immoral about immigrating to another country. If a foreign national finds an employer that wants to hire him or her, a landlord that wants to rent to him or her, a homeowner that wants to sell to him or her, etc... as far as I'm concerned they have just as much of a right to be here as Thomas Jefferson did. If you think you have the right to use the filthy, bloody, weapon of politics to attack immigrants/business/citizens simply because they want to peacefully interact with each other without your little mark of the beast, YOU ARE SCUM. Don't take this personally, I was in the same boat with you at one point, then I thought and matured a little and eliminated this fascist philosophy from my mind.

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