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Comment by Ernest Hancock
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Bringing all troops back home is not an option?

Comment by Mike Renzulli
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Not as long as you have an enemy driven not only by their religion to commit acts of jihad utilizing terrorism or clandestine means but also are enabled via vast resources of oil.

Iran is the 4th largest producer of oil in the world and the country's dictatorship funnels that money to terrorist groups as well as trains them in facilities Iran owns and operates.

When the threat is lifted then it makes sense to bring troops home. However, that threat won't go away until terrorism's big brother (Iran) is taken out.

Comment by 4409
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Can someone please get Mike a tinfoil hat??? because he is flat out nuts 

BTW your comment to Ernie was textbook cut and paste

Comment by Freed Radical
Entered on:
How did our oil get under their sand, Mike? Are their other paid neocon trolls in the Libertarian Party?


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