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Comment by Robert Bilyeu
Entered on:

It is extremely important that each of us as citizens of the Several States read and study our Constitution for the United States and our respective State Constitutions.  If we are to be a Nation of Laws then these, being the Supreme Law of the Land must be the standard to which each and ever State Senator, State  Representative, Governor, Senator, Representative, Judge, Peace Officer and every member of the Armed Forces take their oathes to and should be the standard to which each and every one of them is held regardless of party affiliation.  Thomas Jefferson said "In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution".  This article also shows us the importance of history, not only the modern revisionist history but also from the minority viewpoint remembering that the victorious in any campaign get the privilege of writing history and the vanquished version of history is seldom recorded.  I would personally advise people to form Constitutional study groups.  Were we to study I think we would find the disastrous and intended effects that the 14th, 16th and 17th amendments to our Constitution had on the invidual power of the States and the citizenry to hold public officials accountable.  Mayer Amshel Bauer, later Rothschild, said "Give me control of a Nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws".

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