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Comment by PureTrust
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Luke 12:3
What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Private property is legally important. All kinds of civil suits can spring up from Government taking your private property. So, what we all need to do is:

1. identify all of our private property;
2. file "No Trespassing" announcements in our local area business newspapers for 3 weeks, and with our county recorders, and send copies to any major Government agency that might handle property... like the Department of the Interior (consult your attorney);
4. put up "No Trespassing" and "Private Property" signs wherever appropriate and visible;
3. sue the heck out of any Government agency/official/worker who violates our "No Trespassing" announcements and signs.

Comment by Ross Wolf
Entered on:
There has been much publicity about the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) suing DHS to stop airport deployments of the backscatter scanners that can reveal detailed images of human bodies. Besides TSA and courthouses using this scanning technology, it is chilling to imagine government employees driving on public streets, with the capability to undress ordinary Citizens with x-ray scans. After reading this article it brought to mind that on July 23, 2010 the Boston Globe reported (Pentagon Workers Tied To Child Porn) that several dozen federal employees were identified accessing child porn, some using government computers. Considering this report, some Americans might be suspect of federal employees crusing American streets with scanners that can reveal detailed images of human bodies? To read the Boston Globe article and to see the brief video news story, go to:


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