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Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Frosty, your tired old leftist "cultural war", "survival of the fittest in a socialist world" arguments are annoying.

The simple fact is that if everyone were THOROUGHLY PERSONALLY armed, that people who live together will learn to get along quite rapidly.

Your old 19th and 20th century socialist darwinist arguments only work in a non-free, controlled world, where people do not have the ability to defend themselves, their families, property and enforce their contracts effectively because the government has deprived them from their inherent right and ability to do so.


Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

Frosty is all wet about multiculturalism being always bad.  It depends on the cultures that are mixing.  Some mix well, others are like oil and water, and some are more like oil and gasoline, threatening to explode with a tiny spark.  He's right though that Islam is the world's most intolerant culture, that claims divine backing for every aspect and won't change but tries to change you, with war and suicide attacks being completely acceptable to Allah and his word the Quran, especially Sura 9 verse 111 that promises paradise for those who "kill and are killed" doing his will.  That's why the existence of the U.S.and its Constitution would be threatened by a large enough Muslim pop., and why the U.S. must stop Muslim immigration now and hold the city gates shut to the Muslim Trojan Horse.  Yes, a small Muslim pop. might be mainly peaceful, and even picturesque, but it's about numbers, and in country after country throughout history the pattern is the same, as they refuse to assimilate and instead try to change the govt. to enact Sharia, Allah's law system that makes Muslims superior to non-Muslims in all ways, and tramples everybody else's rights.  When Muslims say that Islam is a religion of peace they don't mention that Islam's idea of peace is Sharia, and that the Quran commands ceaseless war against non-Muslims until it's in place, and supplies an endless supply of Muslims to enforce it forever after. Right now Muslims are playing off the ignorance of the American people to claim protection as a religion despite the political side, and while it's big of our govt. to tolerate the intolerant, is it a wise govt. immigration policy? Of course Muslims don't want Americans to know history, but it's still free to take the Historyscoper's online Islam history course that lays out the complete picture with hyperlinks to check facts and go deeper at

Keep up on daily world news of the Islamic war on the West via free links supplied by the Historyscoper, the most available anywhere at


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Yeah, thanks for your warning.  As I pointed out, I'm plenty capable of defending myself, thank you very much.  In  a free society, I could defend myself even better.  I don't need your collectivist approach to my personal defense.   All I need is for you to stop calling for more collectivism.

Furthermore, I don't appreciate ex-leftist socialist zero-population growthists telling me I have to give up rights to secure rights.

In other words, go stick it.


Comment by Dracula Tepish
Entered on:

multiculturalism does not work or use the term darwin socialism 

and we need to boot these foreign entities out of our country fast and soon

the illegals the foreign deit8ies worship and satanism and islam and catholicism

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Of course it works.  Frosty's solutions are collectivist solutions.  Social darwinism in inherently collectivist. Vice versa collectivism results in a social darwinistic culture.

Therefore, they are necessarily connected.

And even you, dear or not-so-dear commenter are relying on that ubiquitous "we" and "we need" to accomplish the solutions you want.

All *I* need is for you to not try to cram collectivism down MY throat, and I can protect MYSELF just fine, thank you very little.


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