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Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

This statement you read here is like a phantom in the opera: "That is [this is] what the founders had in mind.  The government is stealing from every single person every time they make a transaction, any time they work and for the privilege to have a place to live and sleep, yet we are to believe that illegal aliens are the problem." In short, the government is the problem, not the illegal aliens, heck no, the government is the real trouble, stupid!

And may I ask … living in this rich, well heeled America, what do we "steal" from the government in return -- Ron Paul in Congress, paved roads, 911, Concord, a trip to outer space in Bruce Willis’ helmet, the Terminator,, Exxon and Mobil oil, Corvette, Donald Trump, Carl’s Jr.’s Black Angus mouth-watering surprises, free sex, same-sex marriages, Ophra, Rosie O’Donnell’s beards or Ellen DeGeneres’ invisible mustache, take your pick, bubble boobs and steroid-bulging hunks of the modern sexual artists gentry in the circle of Hollywood’s rich and famous among the countless others of these kind? If this is bad, then I am with you in this cleansing process outrage …let us then self-destroy the way more than what God did of Sodom and Gomorrah … deal?


Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

I love Paul, but he's dead wrong on immigration. If you really respect property rights: You can't tell a property owner they are not allowed to have immigrants on their property simply because they are immigrants. You can't tell them they can't sell their property (and access to it) to immigrants simply because they are immigrants. You can't tell a business owner that he cannot hire immigrants, that want to work for him, simply because they are immigrants. There is nothing inherently unethical or coercive about immigration, so unless an immigrant has violated someones rights, they should be left free to come and go as they please. No immigrant has EVER stolen a job in this country legal or illegal. Saying to an employer "Give me this job or I'll kill you!", now that would be stealing a job. I'd also argue that passing immigration laws that block your competition from justly earning your job out from under you is stealing the immigrants job. If I sell my house to someone that bid a higher price than you, did the higher bidder steal the house from you? Of course not, and if you make it illegal for someone from another geographic location to outbid you, you are the one committing the now "legal" crime. I have no hard feelings for any of my R3VOLUTION brethren that happen to side with Paul on this issue, we just disagree. I also think this "split" is primarily a generational divide, and had Paul been born 20-40 years later, he would probably be in the open border camp with the rest of his libertarian/voluntaryist friends.

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