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Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

 The Social Security system is not "broken", it was robbed! Government has repeatedly spent the funds deducted from paychecks specifically for Social Security, blowing the money on wars and pork projects during the productive years when surpluses were common. The money was never replaced or invested, certainly not held in a trust fund. Thieves in Congress took it. Now the Baby Boomers are limping home to roost in their elder years to find government doesn't have the promised Social Security and considers them to be "useless eaters" to receive "rationed" healthcare per Obamacare.

Seniors are being demonized by spinmeisters who label Social Security as an "entitlement" like it was a charity.... rather than another fraud perpetrated by government ponzi scheming.  When we pay into a program for about 50 years, yes, we are entitled to a return. When you pay, you are entitled to the product or service purchased. Seniors did no wrong, Congress is the criminal syndicate that should be made to pay for their crimes against America!

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