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Comment by Dennis Andersen
Entered on:

I USED to like and vote for Libertarians, they USED to stand for upholding the U.S. Constitution in it's original and intent form. No more, 100% conservative Republican from now on,PERIOD! Counts McAmnesty out for sure, hope Hayworth gets elected!

Comment by Steve Brooks
Entered on:

 Your  intelligence begs to be questioned.  Hayworth is a part of the repuglican establishment, that along with the dumbocrats got us into this mess -  plus he's dumber than a box of rocks.

Comment by Justen Robertson
Entered on:

I used to vote for highly permissive slave masters, but then one offended me by telling me brown people were my equals! Now it's 100% fascist tyranny for me!

Comment by Dennis Andersen
Entered on:

 Speaking of intelligence ,who did you vote for? Saddam Hussein Nobama I'll bet. You a Kenyan born Commucrat too Brooks? What chance do you think the Libertarians have outright? Get the Commucrats out first , then if Republicans don't  straighten out their act vote them out. If the Commucrats still own the media like they do now (like George Soros owns the Commucrat party) the game will continue to be rigged like 2008! (remember ACORN registering dead people for Hussein, how many illegitimate votes did he get that were'nt revealed? alot more to be sure!)

Comment by GrandPoobah
Entered on:

Gotta love the comments.  Name calling:  The rhetorical device used by those who have neither the facts nor the logic to support their positions.  And they probably lack the brain power to use either facts or logic if they had them since their presentation is only name calling and lacks any evidence of intellect.

And speaking of name calling: Does Mr. Andersen know McCains middle name?   Probably had to look it up as did the rest of you.   Wonder why?


Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

The "McCain","Hayworth" thing is a planned campaign.Does anyone other than me wonder why "Hayworth" refuses to ask the right questions of "McCain"?

As soon as I had McCain in public I would ask him about the "Navajo" Indians and what he,and his friends at "Peabody Coal Co." did to them. 

If "McCain" is such a Hero why did he have the "POW" papers hidden?

Why would a "POW" STOP any further searches for other "POW`S"...and! "MIA`S"?

Believe me! If "McCain" thought for one moment the "POW PAPERS" would have helped him become President...he would have used them...but not!

He should be proud of them;the "POW" papers...he ain`t!!!  He hid them.

I understand that our Gov wants to give Jane Fonda some kind of woman of the year,or,something like that....How - In You Face -  is that?

Comment by yumadlh
Entered on:

 So the radical leftist, progressives and the communists can take over and vote to tax the hell out of the middle working class and live off all the FREE stuff at the taxpayers expense.

This Libertarian will not vote for her even if she were unopposed.

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