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Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 The chances of a fair and balanced investigation as next to none.  After the mochery that Terrorist 1 and Terrorist 2 made of the Goldstone Report there is little hope.  We have come a long way since then but the Congresswhores are still bought and paid for by AIPAC and nothing is likely to happen there yet. 

In the meantime, Israel continues shooting itself on the foot and showing itself for the monster that it is.  The international community has most certainly taken notice and are doing something about it.  Won't be long now till they completely seal their own fate.  What a self-fullfilling prophecy they are!


Now, time for Renzulli to come out in defense of Israel with his dusty Hasbara techniques.

Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

How much of this sick Muslim-financed propaganda can Americans stomach? We Americans don't care about a bunch of Allah Akbar-shouting Turks who tried to break a blockade and drew weapons on Israeli soldiers, period. They stink. If they weren't hypocrites they would have all fought to the death and took their evil idol Allah on for his fake promise of paradise, else why whine on about it unless it's part of a propaganda campaign against Israel? Who is this Stephen Lendman, and where does he get his funding, that would be far more interesting to read about.

Instead of reading the Lendman who's-he-kidding propaganda stream keep up with the real news of the horrible threat of the evil ideology of Islam daily with the Historyscoper:

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