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Comment by Lucky Red
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 Immigration is a bad thing indeed.  If you don't believe me, ask the Native Americans.

Comment by SamFox
Entered on:

I like Stossel. But this one is a dodge of the real issue.  "Immigrants-Good or Bad". Gimma a break!!! I copied & pasted the rest of this, my comment, from another dodge the issue story. Would John call the cops if I broke into his home? I'd bet the farm he would. Please!! It IS the same, on a different scale.

We DO NOT need reform!!!  We need enforcement of current Fed law!!!   "Read full story" leads to a video, "Immigrants are people too!" Well! No kidding! So are burglars.    How about, to keep the issue accurate & thus REAL, we talk about ILLEGAL immigration. No one is trying to stop legal immigration. But since we are supposed to be at war against terrorism & how many suit case nukes are out there? we try controlling the borders. I am so tired of the whining about the poor ILLEGAL immigrants. Sure, most are probably decent hard working & so on. But that is NOT the issue. NATIONAL SECURITY is the point!!!!! We need to know who is coming in, same as you would want to know who's at your front door or jumping your back yard fence.   Immigrants, legal or ILLEGAL, are people. No DUHHH!! Saying that is used to cover the fact that they BROKE INTO OUR COUNTRY! If it's cool for them to break that law, why bother with any laws?   Why is it so difficult to understand that it's ILLEGAL to enter the US or any country without permission & documentation. If you think it's OK to let people enter ILLEGALLY then you are a hypocrite to call the cops if some one steals your car or breaks into your house. Why are the borders [property lines] around your house sacrosanct, but you don't mind if our national borders are a free way?   How about some one write something about "Burglars are people too!" Or rapists. Or kidnappers. How about street thug gang bangers? Rapists? Drunk drivers  who hit & run leaving dead or badly injured PEOPLE in their wake?  Those are not OK? Why not? We get a lot of that with ILLEGAL immigration. Comes in the package.   Besides all that we just can't afford the hoards of illegals we have coming ILLEGALLY into the USA.   SamFox




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