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Comment by TL Winslow
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For once Lendman has a point, namely, that gigantic border walls are bad for the environment as well as people. I guess he's against the Brownsville Wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Unlike with Mexicans, though, who have an indisputable right to live in the New World compared to Americans, who are all relatively recent immigrants, Arabs are the invaders, who face Mecca every time they pray, giving away where their hearts are, while Jews face Jerusalem. Ad Arabs don't have to stay in Israel if they don't like it since there's plenty of other Arab territory to resettle in, and Arabs have plenty of oil money to finance it when not using it for anti-Israeli propaganda. So why don't the Palestinians bug Arab countries for Lebensraum instead of trying to live near Jews so they can shoot rockets at them and murder them in terrorist attacks? Answer: Islam, the evil ideology that never gives back a square inch of the Umma or Borg Hive once conquered in Allah's name, and indeed the ideology inculcates in them the need to seek martyrdom to obtain the real territory they crave, the phony paradise of Allah with its virgins that come off an endless roll like toilet paper. The evil idol Allah and Islam must go, they really must go before the 21st century is up and Star Trek arrives. Study Jerusalem's history back 3,000 years with the Historyscoper to see why the Jews have all the rights to the area not Arabs at 

Study Islam's complete history back to its rise and spread in the 7th century to see what an evil scourge it has been and still is at

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