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Comment by Anonymous
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Thugs, regardless of what uniforms they wear or authority they hold, should be treated and punished with equal severity.

Comment by Hawkeye
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The Children of these Brain Dead Cops should see this Video.....Don`t let your Cop parents lie to you because they will do the same thing to you...if told to. Your parents are KILLERS...and we know it,and so do your friends at school,in Church,in you neighborhood.Everyone you see on the street is aware of your parents,and what kind of Brainless Thugs they are....Have a nice day!........OH!! what you see in this video is the future your father wants for you,his own son,or,daughter.

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

These are the type of people obama sent to the Oil Rig....ha ha ha ha people are in DEEP SHIT in AMERICA...It`s time you stood up,and said this is mine,and you can`t have it.

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