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Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Take me out to the tea party,
Take me out with the rinos;
Buy me some depleted uranium and white phosphorus,
I don't care if we never get peace!
Let me root, root, root for the WAR TEAM,
If they don't win, it's due to a lack of patriotism at home.
For it's one, two, three thousand, neo-cons, At the old tea party!

Comment by Nick Saorsa
Entered on:

Bro, I think you NAILED IT!  I was there and talked to at least a dozen people about war... nobody was against it.. cuz, ya know, islamofascism and we have to fight them abroad so we don't have to fight them at home.

Comment by Ducatijeanne
Entered on:

Thanks for going to this gig, guys.  I just couldn't do it, couldn't stomach the hypocrisy of these "liberty lovers" who justify/support  ten years of murder in the Middle East for the power and profit of  the  military industrial complex. 

Ernie is spot on: LOVE NOT WAR


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