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Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 There's more irony to the naked body scanners and metal detectors than you know and the word "subjugate" is quite apt.

The word subjugate comes from the latin sub jugum.  In Roman history, the Roman army literally put its conquered people "sub jugum" which means "under the yoke".  They tied ox yokes to their shoulders and arms.

Later in history, "sub jugum" was perform symbolically.  An arch commemorating a military victory (such as the Arc d'Triomphe) was constructed.  Originally, the subjugated army was marched symbolically through the arch as going "under the yoke".  Later in history, they no longer bothered and the victors marched through the arch.

But the word "subjugate" remains.  It literally means "to put under the yoke".

As you walk through a scanner or detector, what are you literally doing?  You are walking through the arch of the victors.  They are "subjugating" you, by forcing you, the vanquished, to walk under the symbolic yoke of the victors.



Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Don't be lazy asses and study your latin and history.  :P

Comment by Fedge No
Entered on:

I've been following all this crap for over 10 years now. I'm so sick of these retards and their crap. Join me and let's inform everyone. I just explode this type of info non-stop and so far have found 15000 people on Facebook alone who are interested.


Find me all over the Internet via my website

Comment by GrandPoobah
Entered on:

You can usually judge people by the company that they keep.  As soon as I see someone in the company of people who have a deep and abiding ignorance of basic physics (And I do not care what kind of degrees that they have) as evidenced by their claims that invisible nano agents of the CIA rigged the WTC with explosives I write the entire story off.  

Anybody with a basic understanding of the laws of physics (that would be actual laws, not theories) and conservation of energy and angular momentum, will understand that the WTC towers collapsed exactly as such laws would predict, in the only way allowed.  All other claims are simply evidence of ignorance (not knowing) or stupidity (refusing to or inability to learn)

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