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Comment by Ross Wolf
Entered on:

To destroy Obamacare and Congressional Democrats before the next election, Patriots could help accomplish that destruction by making a Movie for Television: that showed Americans their future in advance under Obamacare; show Citizens how their quality of life will crumple under Obama’s planned higher and higher taxes to pay interest on expanding national debt much caused by Obama’s excessive spending on socialist programs; explain to seniors and their children’ why their once expected inheritance will probably be confiscated by Obama government by new taxes levied against people that own property. For example a great scene might show IRS agents banging on a Citizen’s front door demanding her or she either buy Obama health insurance or pay a big penalty or worse. That scene could show the Citizen asking his wife if they should forget their home mortgage to pay IRS Collectors. Other scenes might include Obama and his associates behaving like Mafia, strong-arming Congressman to vote for Obama’s bill or else. Other great scenes could emulate Obama’s meetings behind closed doors making special deals with labor unions, pharmaceutical companies and countless others at the expense of Citizens’ health care and taxpayers. A good film producer could have a blockbuster movie displaying Obama Government corruption. There should also be scenes  depicting Obama’s connections to terrorists and communists. A well-made movie could be instrumental in alerting the public about Obama and his dangerous government to speed up taking  our country back before others can destroy it..

Comment by Ross Wolf
Entered on:

I wish to qualify my “previous post.” When I stated, “To destroy Obamacare and Congressional Democrats before the next election” I am referring to lawfully bringing information to the Public that will help cause the health care bill to be repealed and Democrats to lose the coming November elections.

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