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Comment by Dad M
Entered on:

 I would like to append just a brief comment. If there's one buzzword that should irritate most of you to no end, it's ------- bipartisanship. We are led to understand that this implies a Democrat-Republican agreement on some vote, and thusly in the "best interests of the people". I look at bipartisanship along a philosophical spectrum. Our country was not formed along political party lines, but with a yardstick which measures the quantity of government. What we have today is not a Dem-Pub bipartisanship 'agreement', but one of pragmatists being pulled into the socialist world for a vote that is not in the best interests of the people, but that of a larger government and the best interests of those who run it. Start thinking along the Yardstick of Government Quantity. Will the issue in discussion bring me more or less government? Determining that will give you the answer what is truly in the "best interest of the people". You will come down on the side of the Constitution every time without even reading it.

Comment by Barry Hess
Entered on:

Thanks for the addendum.  I had cut out all the R/D nonsense from my first drafts for the sake of brevity, and because they're just not worth the ink.  I'm glad you got it in though.

Comment by Darren Wolfe
Entered on:

My experience with the  Valley Forge Patriots- Tea Party Conservatives would indicate that they're not libertarian. I got kicked out for advocating peace & liberty on their Meetup mailing list. Here's a good sampling of the debates:

They also believed every goofy email that came down the pike. Here's just one:

Restore liberty,
href="">The International Libertarian

The International Libertarian
"When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Charles Hammond [1821]
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