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Comment by D S
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What is it that you think should be done? From what I can tell, Freedom's Phoenix is a pro-liberty site. If I'm right then what is Frosty Wooldridge doing posting on here? The only thing that I can think of to "reduce the population" is to either kill off some people or prevent them from breeding. Either is completely antithetical to freedom or liberty. I suppose another way is to educate people in the problem. But that won't work because most people won't do anything that doesn't directly benefit them in some way with instant gratification. Besides, what is your plan for people who don't agree with your summation of population growth? Throw them in jail? Take their children? Forced Sterilization? There is an answer to the problem though...... Its one that Frosty and many others will poo poo because they say it won't work or that its not realistic. But if you want an answer to your problem; this is the only way you can fix this. First of all, education is the key, but it is the knowledge that one does not need government in any way shape or form. A completely self-governed society is the only way that true problems can be answered with efficiency and swiftness. For example, (I don't purport to know what the entirely free market would come up with), with gov't out of the way many people would come up with solutions to overpopulation. Such as space travel and colonization of other celestial bodies. Right now people are prohibited from doing so without the permission from their govt or they need special "licenses" to operate above the earth's surface. With more people working together to come up with solutions the sooner and better the solution will be. Govt will never let this happen so we are doomed by the few powerful people. I know what most people think, "Oh no, we can't live in a world without a government!" A simple education would prove them wrong. davkiz

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