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Comment by Awake now
Entered on:

What I don't understand is that you people are awake enough to see that 9/11 was suspicious to say the least but can't figure out that the bible has been written by people to control the masses with fear.


I'm not sure whether there is a God or not but if their is its not what you people think it is.


After waking up I was shocked to see how fanatically religious Americans are.

Comment by G Cone
Entered on:

It's hard to understand how some people believe there is a little invisible man living in the sky who created the universe by magic. Supposedly he is omniscient and omnipotent, yet he has such a fragile ego he demands that everyone whisper in his ear daily to tell him how great he is, to worship him and praise his name. Religion and and freedom do not mix, religion is a collectivist ideology which requires obedience, conformity, and group-think from it's minions. How is it that faith, believing something exists with no evidence whatsoever, is looked upon as a virtue? I call it stupidity or insanity. I'll be honest, it scares the shit out of me that many libertarians are christians, I fear they want to get rid of the current system only because it is an obstacle to theocracy. It scares the shit out of me that Ron Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin for president. This guy is a preacher that used to be executive director of the moral majority in Florida, for fuck's sake, a group that wants to tell me how I must live my life. Christians, grow up and wake up. You stopped believing in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, now grow the fuck up and let go of your little imaginary friend jesus.  Religion has been responsible than more death, suffering, and oppression than socialism, but the faithful will say that's 'all in the past, its different now'. Bullshit.

Comment by cherylne molia
Entered on:

I just read your article on religion. I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I cried when I heard you sing, that was beautiful. I believe in God, I just choose not to live by his word. I wish you joy & happiness!

Comment by Nick Bravo
Entered on:

 God is within you. To many people are told they are worthless trash, and then they live that way. What if I said you were a great god waiting to be born? Or how about a great king, warrior, scientist, engineer, explorer. Far too many are taught to look at the world with a worms eye view. What we need to teach the young is to look up into the night sky, observe the stars, and become inspired to light up the darkness as do those blazing suns so far from this earth.

Comment by sharlana ververs
Entered on:

bless you Oyate i am forwarding your post to my grandchildren they are inspireing for young and old may the Great Spirit walk with you i 3vol you too...thank you

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

After six years, I am weary.  My song is rapidly becoming a lament.  I do not have the physical cancer that afflicts my beloved Brother, but I have a cancer that eats at me continually nonetheless.

God is pissed, and has locked Himself into the Holy Bathroom.

I fight on because I FEAR.  It isn't out of any noble idea or sentiment, and it isn't for fame or prominence.  I fear for those who have been trained NOT to see, for they are the ones who will suffer most.  I fear for my unborn Great-Grandchildren, and what kind of world they will come in to. 

I fear when the least of all evils is embraced as 'the best you're gonna get' when it is still EVIL!

I fear that those who tell me it's too late for what I am attempting to accomplish might be right.  That's why Oyate and I have started tossing around subjects like 'escape routes' and 'feeding multitudes' (just amongst ourselves). 

The Fourth of July will be my 'breaking point'.  If We The People have stood up on their hind legs as humans and stand together in holding their elected officials accountable by then in large enough numbers, I will have hope and will continue on the planned course of action.

We'll see.


Comment by oswegoscott
Entered on:

HO,Oyate -My words are too true for those at the Daily Paul.I have been forbidden to enter because many there find my words to be false or cannot see as we do. Liberty is spoken of but they have limits on what we speak. Those who have usedthe DP feel they are elders after 1 year!!  HAHAHAHA. Only 4 moons have passed since my first visit, therefore I know little in their eyes about the enemy of all people and of the ways we must prepare for many cold winters of sickness,hunger and death.

Many wish to allow others in to eat our food and change the way our children think and live. They wish to once again have many tribes to fight one another and cause death and despair. The One Nation will be no more and the elders will speak as evil shamans and witches. The land will be sick as will be all of the waters

These are the things I spoke of at the Daily Paul so they made me an outcast in a cowardly fashion. I was not spoken to nor allowed to defend myself.  The right to speak and the right to self defense are things their version of "liberty" does not include unless one is an "elite". I see many of the ways they act as a continuation of the "now".

Dr Paul,I say none of this to you-only to those who are warping the meaning of freedom and jeopardizing your (our) goals.

 Perhaps someone could post my note at the Daily Paul







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