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Comment by Lucky Red
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 Global warming?  What global warming?  Clearly, this must be a hoax

Comment by RickStone
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 There is no doubt that global warming exists!!!! Just ask the people that are digging out two feet of global warming in Washington DC. Global warming now has a color and it is white and fluffy.

Comment by foundZero
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I think it's liberal sea ice. Conservative sea ice would have hung in there and toughed it out.

Comment by richness
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The key nuance here, ARCTIC ice is contracting, while ANTARCTIC ice is expanding. Can you say slight orbital tilt... This is normal activity in the long history of geographical evolution. Do you think there was no ice in Arizona millions of years ago? Then you are a fool. If you understand we are constantly experiencing climate change, well before human existence mind you, you are a clear thinker.

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