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Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

 The GOP operatives are desperate to maintain the appearance of leadership, and are trying to hijack the Tea Party MOVEMENT and subjugate it for their own ends. Yes, many grass-roots republicans are rightfully unhappy with the GOP, but we must NOT let the party intervene and assume control. The GOP, and the Democrats, need to go the way of the Whigs and extinction!

Comment by Drew
Entered on:

but Palin with be tea baggin! who would not want to see that!

Comment by buddaroll
Entered on:

This is a discussion I have been having in the more public forums with other "liberty" minded people. So many of them have become so hell bent on seeing anything go against the Democrats and the current administration that they forget that BOTH sides of the aisle are equally at fault and that this has been going on for decades upon decades. The day that the MSM talking heads started covering/pushing the Tea Party and the rallies was the day I finally had to fully admit that at the very least the GOP would exploit the current situation to ride the coat tales of the liberty movement and at worst, infiltrate and commandeer it ultimately giving more fodder for the MSM to debase and minimize anything good that is accomplished. All of this becomes even more diluted with the likes of media personalities who's message may be generally good but their personality has become larger than the message. The most difficult thing I am finding is that the generalizations, personal attacks and name calling that undermine any attempt at constructive exchange of ideas. For me, this has brought me to a point where the best I can do is try to speak only on the issues and derail any attempts at baiting and taunting. When the baiting persists, I find myself just walking away.

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