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Comment by Charles Arasim
Entered on:

Complaints against the BATFE and the Austin PD should be filed with the FBI for violations of the following: Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 Pattern and Practice Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 
Conspiracy Against Rights Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

There seem to be both criminal and civil implications for BATFE here.

I suppose one could explain this in terms of a mission replacing the law. This mission is to disarm, whatever the law. And their rules of engagement are severe. Everything that lives or breathes is a fair target for them.

Never forget Waco. Or Ruby Ridge. Men, women, children, all fair game.

Comment by Patriot 2012
Entered on:

Humm....again....we are seeing no reason for this and....those that try to muscle their power will soon regret it. The day will come when all those in Government will be running like rabbits. The BATF and others will arrested and put in front of a firing squad....They are the domestic enemy brainwashed and sold their souls to something higher they believe than the Constitution!

Comment by PresidentDon
Entered on:

 We have Terrorist organizations in America and they are called the IRS, the BATF, and FEMA. Detention Camps built so we can be Detained, without any trials, to disappear when convienient, and Americans sit back with apathy, and won't believe  us. We must Restore our Rights, starting with Recalling Obama, and elect an American as our president.

Comment by Kathy Osborne
Entered on:

 I would recommend that any person or group planning a gun show post the law rather than the recommendations. This means make huge posters and place them all around the gun show, as well as in advertisements, telling what the Constitution says and what the local/federal laws ALLOW. This will encourage buyers and gun show vendors, and empower the people by battling this racketeering before it ever starts.

Take a healthy drink of Founding Father and get on the ball! The people need you now more than ever!!

K. Osborne


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