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Comment by Maddawg Mcclowski
Entered on:

 I've read this thread twice and theres no address.

Comment by Alfalfa
Entered on:

Where is the seminar located?  Same question as the lady before me.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Morpheus must be in the Matrix.  I fixed it.  But since I wouldn't want you to be compelled to read the notice a third time...though the info is vast and important:

Freedoms Phoenix Workshop
750 W Amelia Ave (Major Crossroads: 7th Ave and Indian School)
Phoenix, AZ 85013
(623) 252-9CAM (CameraFRAUD)


NOVEMBER 27-28, 2009, 10 AM TO 5:00 PM

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

If Mortgage Revocation catches on, will the value of the dollar decrease or increase?

If mortgages can be successfully be eliminated, what about other make-believe debt? Non-secured credit card debt can be easily canceled already.

Is this something that will work in other countries as well, or do the US laws make it something that can only be done here?

When it is realized on large scale that all the legal lending institution loans never were loans at all, will the FED be charged with fraud and have to return the money to the people?

If the FED is shut down, will we be able to get our false-loan payment funds from payments that we made to the banks over the years back from it?

Which of our Senators and Representatives will we indight with treason for not shutting the FED down years ago?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Implications are that the National Debt is not a debt, but rather a creation of new funds just like the rest of the debt has been. If this is true, should we get all our IRS money back, since it is IRS payments that repay the National Debt, and are the measure that controls how much the Government can borrow from the FED in the future?

Comment by Anita L.
Entered on:


The Seminar is being held on Saturday and Sunday the 28 and 29, and the Speaker is Mickey Paoletta of Harrisburg, PA.

You can read about him on these websites, and

Please do not call the number listed in the body of the article as they are not connected to this event.

All other info is correct.




Comment by Anita L.
Entered on:


The meeting place has been changed due to size of group:                                                 It is at WASHINGTON PARK                                      in Phoenix, Arizona                                2240 West Citrus Way, Phoenix.                             (About a half mile south of Glendale avenue)   Saturday 11/28 and Sunday 11/29 from 10 am to 5 pm both days.
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