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Comment by Jet Lacey
Entered on:

Fuuuuuu-uuuuuuck them! 

The AMA must be "getting on board" right before they go ahead and decide to legalize and tax it.  They can kiss my black ass.....I will not buy "Guv'ment Weed."  I'm not going to willingly give "them" more of my money with which to further enslave me.

Google "Rothschilds + Opium" and get back to me.   

Comment by Freed Radical
Entered on:

The AMA is only calling for it to be a PRESCRIPTION DRUG, so you have to pay the medical cartel $100 for a doctor to issue your government permission slip to buy your Big Brother/Big Pharma $100/gram  weed. Anything less that complete legalization including people growing their own plants is a scam.

Eric New

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Of course these tools were the one's responsible for lending credence to the drug warriors draconian suppression in the first place.  Just a tool of the state deserving of the same fate as the state.

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