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Comment by rewrite
Entered on:

How about Jail Time for this Illegal Imposter that has been found Guilty of FRAUD and TREASON by several Grand Juries ????  Barak Hussein Obama has been getting a FREE RIDE from OUR Tax Money and GRAND THEFT..  Now he is depriving families of their loved ones to get them out of the country so that he and his National Police Force can put Americans in his Concentration Camps.....GOD HELP US...

Comment by TheRockster
Entered on:

If you don't want to buy car insurance, all you have to do is not drive. If you don't want to buy "health insurance," what are you supposed to do, just die???

 This fascist bastard need to go back to whatever the hell rock he crawled out from under.

I want a real president.

Comment by Gene Kernan
Entered on:

It's absolutely maddening to see that so many still think there's a difference between "the parties".  Who wins the "World Series" every time?  Major League Baseball.  Who wins the "SuperBowl" every year?  The National Football League.  And who wins the election, EVERY election, EVERY TIME? (Hint:  It ain't us.)

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