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Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Illegal Aliens are not immigrants they are criminals and many of them have criminal convictions in their own countries aside from the fact that they entered illegally. If people get to pick and choose what laws they will or will not follow we no longer have a civilized society. We do not like it when our politicians break the laws, i.e. allowing the fed to rob us blind well we should not expect Americans to put up with illegal alien criminals either.

Comment by Brock
Entered on:

Well, while an amorphous "we" is not picking and choosing, anon, perhaps "we" shouldn't choose to conflate a civil infraction with criminal behavior.

If "we" have to follow laws, it's worth noting that there are physical laws, municipal codes, county statutes, state statutes, a uniform commercial code, a code of federal regulations, civil law, criminal law, public law, private law, common law, constitutional law, international law, sharia law, and old testament law. 

Which of those do "we" have to follow?

Comment by bigkid46
Entered on:

 These people are "illegal" immigrants ! NOT U.S. citizens  and therefore NOT protected by the Constitution or Bill of Rights !! If I went to Mexico, I would not  have any rights according to thier laws  There are proper channels for becoming a U.S. citizen. There are many  immigrants who use these channels and are welcome here. Illegals are NOT welcome and should be deported as soon as discovered..

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