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The YouTube links below are Part 1 and 2 of a tape made by a man and his wife from the IR ranch in south-central Texas . At the IR ranch's own expense, they made 1000 copies and sent one to every single congressman and senator and some media outlets.

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Comment by Sharon Jarvis
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I too am old and on Medicare.  Thank god I have it now so I can finally get help.  I could not afford health insurance for the seven years before that.  This guy is way off base and says nothing but Republican talking points.  When you have private insurance, some paper-pusher is already between you and your doctor.  I have had no problems at all with Medicare so I don't know what this guy is complaining about.  But I have seen plenty of people hoodwinked by insurance company propaganda.  I have received robocalls from Republican organizations trying to convince me the government is going to take away my health care.  If you believe any of this, have I got a bridge for you....

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