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Following confirmation by the French military that they definitely weren’t in the process of invading Somalia, the United States military is now confirming that it is, in fact, American forces that are pouring into the southern portion of the country

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Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Oh, isn't this just wonderful---yet another lovely war.   Even though we can't afford the two we now have we're just going to invade and make war on another country.  

Well, we're going to need money, lots and lots of money to make these wonderful wars on these sand-box countries.   Now, where can we get it?  

Ah yes, you're quite right dog (my faithful companion), we can copy one of Emperor Caligula's neat ideas; we'll just whore out all the Senator's and Congressmen's wives and daughters. The clowns on Capitol Hill allow this insanity, so why not help the 'war effort'? 

Comment by Powell Gammill
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Bush x 2 

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

He finally got one of his very own.

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