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Comment by rewrite
Entered on:

OUR Constitution Clearly states that the Father AND Mother Must be Natural Born Citizens.  Obama's Father was a Citizen of Africa, his Mother gave up her American Citizenship.  What is so confusing about that ????  Barak Hussein Obama is NOT Eligible to sit as OUR President.. There was so much pot stirring about McCain's Place of Birth.  OUR Government is Either Completely Sfark Raving Mad or so Doped up that they can't see what's happening to OUR Country.  GET OUR COUNTRY BACK 

Comment by Morpheus
Entered on:

this is going to be a big one to watch.  Pay attention children there will be alot of smoke and mirrors with this one.  Remember Beverly Eckert.  This is the stuff movies are made of... OMG we are living in a movie!  I need a 40 foot ladder in the middle of the desert!

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Jesus, Mary and Joseph!  Here go more good tax payers dollars after bad...the whackjobs are on the lose and they want their country back!  Oh, bama...errr...mama!  Pretty soon, they'll be dusting their white robes - the ones with the pointy hats - oiling their shotguns and putting more lighter fluid in their lighters...

Hallelujah, god help us all!


Comment by Mel Mason
Entered on:

where's the birth certificate? You must be an infiltrator or just a traitor that you go name calling when someone questions your little "mack daddy" messiah. You are the whack job, and your crimes are just as bad. Step aside and let freedom ring... a** wipe!

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